Love it! But you should have allowed in Bluesky entries. Would have made the Woke category much better.

"Raw-dogging the air" should have been a contender!

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God these are so funny. You're doing the Lords' work.

Do you think this will make the cut?


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The FBI needs to get their hands on reece's laptop. There seems a strong contingent of right wingers being incredibly weird about sex and relationships this year.

Wish we could vote on it somewhere besides twitter

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So since the bracket starts today, do you start gathering new content right now, or does Twitter get two weeks of free crazy before the official 2025 "submission window" is open? :)

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I tend to think the next two weeks are a free pass, but I reserve the right to change my mind if something insane happens, like a site-wide battle over whether the Pringles Logo is Trans.

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It's the Christmas spirit!

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I thought I was going to enjoy this but the sheer amount of dumb I'm absorbing is making me cringe myself into myself like all of my mass is contained within the Schwarzschild radius of cringe.

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I could have happily lived the rest of my life not having read the baby drool tweet.

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Where is the oldest vault????

I demand a write-in!

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Actually my tweet was awesome and I still don't know why it upset so many people 👍

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The uncomfortable feeling of having several people you follow represented

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I cried.

Not going on twitter but Im eagerly anticipating seeing them all in the full results!

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You need to expand the bracket cause some of these can’t be left out

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Honestly, I think you left some real bangers out and put some mehs in.

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I will defend to the death the guy insisting that getting ice cream on your own is weird.

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The pregnant coochie one is hilarious.

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Once the bracket is completed, it would interesting to see a post with the winners (or maybe the final 4) from each year you've done this. I'm curious if the winners tend to be something more evergreen or something that's representative of the moment.

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