“ The defining feature of AI on the social web is that it’s incredibly cheap to produce nearly unlimited amounts of garbage-tier AI content. And that absolutely garbage content is clogging the tubes of the internet and ruining once-good online experiences.”

Right, none of this is new. There’s always been scummy bullshit content on the internet. It’s the *volume* and the speed with which that volume has arrived. Like if you woke up one morning and the layer of scum that used to be a thin film on the drain of your shower yesterday was suddenly caked a foot thick on every surface of your bathroom.

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On a more serious note-- weirdly it's pretty cool you're just able to DM the scammers (or well, the scammers' underlings) and be able to figure out how much they're paid to do this.

Also, on the Huffington Post "pseudonym" thing, an important thing to note is that the existence of forums and subforums complicates the topic. I have a "durable pseudonym" on r/badeconomics because I comment decently enough and there aren't a huge amount of users in the FIAT thread. It seems pretty similar to their "second phase" where I have a persona that is costly to drop. However, in pretty much every other subreddit (save maybe some soccer ones), I might as well have a random pseudonym, especially in bigger subreddits. This delineation also probably explains why smaller subreddits are less toxic on average than bigger ones, though obviously there are other factors at work here (ex. https://meaningness.com/geeks-mops-sociopaths).

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I can excuse potential AI-related apocalypse tail-risks, but I draw the line at messing with my internet experience. I'm an EAist now sorry

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I know I'm getting more and more internet poisoned because my hit rate of already having seen the links you typically share at the bottom is ever-increasing.

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I guess the AI thought a mouse can be a computer part and real mice could run in your pipes? How do you feel about the long term potential of a human destroying AI? I am personally not too worried.

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