Two things:

You're absolutely correct on both of those first two items and guys needing to touch grass...and then eventually, hopefully, dear God, someone willing of the opposite sex. I have a lot of sympathy for young guys who struggle with the opposite sex, as I was once one of them before I stumbled into my first relationship around 19 years old. It's hard! It's scary! These dudes would be better served getting a hobby, a haircut, and a gym membership than an AI girlfriend. I'm no fan of Jordan Peterson, but one thing that he does preach to guys like this is that you have to make yourself into someone that someone else would find attractive, but unfortunately a shit ton of these guys take that to mean "pseudo alpha male" instead of just a slightly more attractive person of their actually self.

The Dimension 20 thing is a good example of just how silo'ed pop culture has become. I'm a dork and listen to D20 from time to time, so this is in no way shocking to me, but some times you still get folks who are like, "Oh, you like D&D? That obscure nerd game?" And this swings the other way as well. I train at a BJJ gym in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and some local kid who looked like a younger Paul brother came in with a film crew to film something, and I'm sitting here like, oh, how lame, another kid grasping at internet fame. Turns out, this guy has 2.5 million followers on IG and like 5 million on YT! And I have literally never heard of him.

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As usual I actually sort of see where Elon's decisions about spam are coming from. The pay for post model does work to prevent spam for some sites (SomethingAwful is the famous one). It is worth it for crypto/scam spammers to still evade but they have to give up more account info to do it, and that's more info you can use to ban them.

Of course where old Twitter would never actually execute on policies due to indecision, new Twitter won't execute on them because the bots are Elon's crypto fans or state-sponsored botnets for authoritarian governments he owes favors to or he's not willing to just wordfilter nudes in bio or whatever.

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