"I’ll be writing about another instance of this soon - a book about online fandoms that falls deep, deep into a rabbit hole of describing a One Direction fanfiction conspiracy."

Don't threaten me with a good time, Jeremiah.

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There is a fanfiction where a miniature Harry Styles lives inside a girl's ear. It is discussed at in at least five separate points in the book.

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I get why you might be annoyed at this kind of stuff, but personally I think the infinite and ever-expanding rabbit holes the internet has produced are among the most beautiful human creations. There's a subset of /r/hobbydrama who post nothing but 4500 word essays on auto racing. One of them is focused on Australian auto racing, specifically. Their work is completely impenetrable to me, but its presence in the world warms my heart.

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I love a good rabbit hole! Niche content online can be fantastic.

What I don't really like is when someone write a book-length treatment of a particular subject - let's say the book is A History of Cupcakes - and then the majority of the book is them chasing some weird personal sub-sub-area like how the flour for cupcake mix is manufactured.

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Fair. Good labeling is important.

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I myself enjoy a product that is what it says on the tin, so to speak.

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"drinking gallons of water per day"

Does she explain how she avoids dying of water intoxication? Serious question.

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