Today I’m taking a quick break from relentlessly shilling paid subscriptions to Infinite Scroll to instead shill something else - GiveDirectly.
I’m part of an effort today along with Matt Yglesias, Timothy Lee, Jeremy Ney, Mikala Jamison and many others here on Substack to raise money for GiveDirectly. The pitch is pretty simple - this is an organization that takes all the money raised and gives it directly to the people who need it most in the third world.
Each of the people linked above has made a persuasive post about why this is a good idea - Matt Yglesias’s Slow Boring in particular has a good write up. If you want the detail, click the link. I’ll just stick with the basics. There are people in the world who likely have much less material wealth than you. You might not miss fifty bucks, but it would literally transform their lives. There’s no political agenda and no complicated mechanisms, the money just goes directly from you to them. The people who research charity effectiveness think this is a pretty dang solid approach to charity with high effectiveness.
If you’re able to, hit the button! Tomorrow we’ll be back to our regular content. As a reward for reading to the end, here’s an AI generated song about girl power and cocaine.
Thanks for the support! Also now that song is stuck in our entire office's heads.